The Belgians are coming

In 1855 the mine was taken over by the Belgian Count Victor Seyssel d’Aix who introduced important innovations; first of all, a new dewatering machine commissioned to Innocenzo Manzetti, scientist from Aosta Valley, which allowed 200 litres of water per minute to be drained. The work resumed at full speed and the galleries were drained, the railroads were installed, the foundries were built in Valpelline and new sections of excavation were started in La Balme and Vaud.

In 1864, Count Cornelissen started a new company, thanks to which the equipment was renewed, allowing the extraction of up to 12.5 tons of ore per month. Excavations continued from 1880 with the Wellens et C. Company and subsequently there were numerous company changes, also because of the diffcult working conditions due to the problem of drainage of the water in the galleries and to the diffculties of getting the forest resources used in the construction works and in the foundries.

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Page updated on 20/02/2024

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